7 months we have waited, and it's here!!!
Now I hate to share this, but I have found out I have to tape the game and watch it later tonight!
Why tape it you ask?
Because it was either an HD receiver, or a DVR receiver........HD's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
I'm lame....I know, but I will be up till 1am watching my boy Ronnie Brown get me some quality points in my work league....good thing I don't work 2morrow night!
Well if you lineup dead-line hasn't must keep scouring the injury reports.
If it has passed, there's nothing like some preresult second guessing.
Probably no more updates this week, given the fact that I have a long weekend and there's really nothing else you can do for your roster.

Do me a big favor, if you're reading this little blog drop me a little's nice to know people are reading.
Again, enjoy this weekend's festivities. Find your chair, get your cup and fill it with your favorite beverage, and enjoy!
See you after the games on Sunday night!
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